- ‘Stay’, PVC film, casting with resin and aluminium powder, ‘The Stick Behind the Door’, The Whiskey Bond
Jeemin Lee perceives individuals through their interaction with others, both animate and inanimate, and her work explores the position we take at the intersection between ourselves, fiction and reality. These ideas manifest themselves in delicate honeycomb sculptures, constructed from sheets of PVC film. For this exhibition she has hung a honeycomb structure from the ceiling, which gravity will slowly cause to tear apart over the duration of the exhibition. This represents for her the unstable nature of relationships between individuals, which despite repeated connections often end up breaking.
Lee also uses video projection within her installations, a tool to bring her audience closer to a more sensual experience of the work, while at the same time disorientating them.
'Untitled' , video installation, 'The stick Behind the Door', The Whiskey Bond Studio.